Limited spots available!

Please note that I may have to place accepted prospective students onto a wait list. However, if our schedules happen to align, you may not have to wait! Read on to learn how to apply!

Before applying: Read this whole page carefully!

Afterwards, if you're interested in online lessons with me, fill out the form at the bottom of this page to apply! I am only accepting students through the form at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to inquire only about online lesson pricing first, please fill out the pricing request form below. Otherwise, pricing will be given in reply to an accepted application.

When I receive your applications, I will assume that you have read, understood, agreed to the contents of this page.

A few rules and explanations:

I only teach the flute. I will sprinkle in some music theory and history in our lessons, but I specialize in the flute (and auxiliary flutes, e.g. piccolo, alto flute, bass flute).

I am only accepting students who have 1+ years of flute playing experience. Brand new beginners absolutely need a hands-on in-person instructor to help them to get started.

I am also only accepting students 18 years old and over. My teaching style is best suited for working and retired adult flute students, as well as university students.

I teach 1-hour lessons at a frequency of every 2 or 4 weeks. We'll be looking at approximately 1 or 2 lessons per month. Most of my students are highly self-driven, and I have noticed that this frequency of lessons is best suited for them.

Prices and rules are subject to change. I reserve the right to decline teaching prospective students and discontinue lessons with current students.

IMPORTANT: You must be 18 or older to contact me directly about lessons. I do not teach students under 18 years of age.

How payment works (4-hour batch plan):

I will email you an invoice through PayPal, charging 4 hours at a time. I will always charge in a batch of 4 hours, no more, no less.

IMPORTANT: I must receive the fee first before we start lessons, to ensure that both of us are committed to make the lessons happen. As we make our way through each lesson, I will simply subtract from what you have paid, until you need to make the next payment of 4 hours again.

Lessons will not begin until the fee has been processed. Just as a fair warning, processing fees may take up to 21 days, though usually the processing time is very quick.

There are no refunds.

​And a few more rules:

Tip: You are absolutely welcome to send me quick emails 24 hours before a scheduled lesson to confirm that a lesson is on.

One-time trial lesson (1 hour):

Because online lessons are still relatively new, I am offering one-time 1-hour trial lessons for an additional $5.00 USD!

If after the trial lesson, you don't feel that online lessons are for you, then no other tuition fee is owed and no hard feelings! If you do want to continue, then we will continue with the 4-hour batch plan I've outlined in the section above.

Like the 4-hour batch plan, I must receive the trial lesson fee before we start the trial lesson. 

A trial lesson will not be given until the fee has been processed. Just as a fair warning, processing fees may take up to 21 days, though usually the processing time is very quick. 

There are no refunds.

Similar to the 4-hour batch plan, a few more rules:

Note: Only one one-time trial lesson per student. A one-time trial lesson is not required for all prospective students. I am offering it for those of you who want to try out online lessons but do not want to commit to 4 hours right away.

Video calling platform:

     Google Meet

 **Note: As of now, I am only doing online lessons on Google Meet. A few minutes before each lesson, I will send an email invitation to join our Google Meet room.

Please note that video calling my Google account at other times than we have scheduled for lessons is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate termination of lessons. All lessons that were charged but not taught at that time will be forfeit and will not be credited back to you. Your account will also be blocked from contacting my account henceforth.

​Submit the application below to apply!

So, are you up for lessons? If so, fill out the application below! I created this so we can be on the same page right from the start.

Please note that submitting this application form does not guarantee acceptance into the JustAnotherFlutist Studio.